
September 2016

Current Motto.

Never settle for something that doesn’t excite you.  Always follow through. Don’t give up on something that you are passionate about.  People will walk away, let them.  You simply deserve better. Current Motto. Scroll down to read more about my experience modeling during this shoot!! This is look 2 of 3. I was a little […]

Mistakes do not define.

This topic is a little scary for me to talk about because to me, its still a little bit confusing. At some point everyone is going to make mistakes in their lives. Nobody is perfect. Being a member of the Latter-Day Saints I utilized the repentance process within my journey of becoming an active member […]

Today I Chose Faith.

Sometimes you make a decision that feels so right, and then the doubts creep in. It’s happened to the best of us. Recently I made a huge and quite terrifying decision. I decided to move into a new city, although I had lived in this city previously, something felt different this time. Something felt right. […]