

lifeoflex, blog, blogger, flowers, topshop, outfit, field, park city, dating, happiness, inspire, joy

Queen Of Overanalyzing.

Who here can relate with going on a date only to spend the entire time overanalyzing, thinking “shoot did I say the right thing?” “Oh man is that a red flag?” “How do they think the date is going?” “Did I wear the right outfit?” “How do I flirt?” etc., the list could go on […]



Amsterdam was never on my list of places that I wanted to go, but a friend wanted to go see the tulip festival and on a whim I figured why not! I am so happy I went, if Amsterdam isn’t on your list it definitely needs to be! It was beautiful, clean and one of […]

Sappy Thoughts

This post is a bunch of sappy thoughts, all jumbled up into an attempt to state my excitement to share my life with someone else. There’s no way I could come close to putting that excitement into words, so don’t judge me for trying. Earlier this week I had the opportunity to attend my best […]