

Live Your Fairytale!

So this week I am in Disneyland with family and it has been the best trip ever!!! If you follow me on instagram I posted a photo with the caption ‘Who needs Prince Charming when churros & dole whips exist?!’ Which is entirely accurate in my life, food trumps prince charming at the moment. Yes, […]

Life Of Lex, barbados, swim, confidence, happiness, lds, faith, trust, bullying, positivity, inspire, travel, inspiration, explore, love

Spread Love Not Hate.

Real talk. Bullying on social media is something that can happen to anyone, for any reason…but it should not be something that anyone should have to experience. I’ve been targeted and bullied on social media twice now under two different circumstances. Last week I posted a photo on my Instagram of me in a bikini […]

Insecurity at its finest.

I’m going to keep this one short and sweet. Something that’s been on my mind during the last few weeks is dealing with insecurities. Everyone deals with their own insecurities. Every single one of us. There are certain times that I’ve experienced being insecure in my life. For example, sometimes I feel like people could […]

Keeping Up With Traditions.

Valentine’s Day was always a day I absolutely loathed. A day of depression and sulking that I was still single with no Valentine. But guess what, it’s actually become one of my very favorite holidays. And it isn’t because I suddenly stumbled upon a Valentine, it’s because this holiday gives me an excuse to spoil […]

Sappy Thoughts

This post is a bunch of sappy thoughts, all jumbled up into an attempt to state my excitement to share my life with someone else. There’s no way I could come close to putting that excitement into words, so don’t judge me for trying. Earlier this week I had the opportunity to attend my best […]