On this exact day four years ago my life forever changed for the better. December 13th of 2014 has been the most meaningful day of my life thus far and with each year that passes, the 13th day of December will continue to be the most sentimental day of each year of my life. See on this day, four years ago, I made the decision to go through the temple of Jesus Christ Of Latter-Day Saints and receive my endowments.
I attend the temple on this particular day of the year each year and it continues to remind me of just how far I’ve come and how grateful I feel. It’s beyond sentimental to me because the decision I made that day has changed my life in SO many incredibly good ways. I always say, “Choosing to receive my endowments has been the hardest and best decision I’ve made in life thus far.” There are so many different ways and reasons my decision has changed my life, but I will just touch on a few.
It has strengthened my testimony of God. Â Honestly, before I chose to pursue receiving my endowments I thought I had a giant testimony and that I was closer to God than ever. There is something so simple and peaceful about the sacred covenants that I made, it naturally brought me even closer to my loving Heavenly Father. It helped to grow and strengthen my already developed testimony.Â
I’ve experienced happiness I did not know existed. I’m not exactly sure how to put this reason into words other than since making my decision I have expereinced a level of happiness that I did not think was possible. It’s a happiness that is different than what I had experienced beforehand. A happiness that was sustainable and more meaningful.Â
Attending the temple has allowed to escape the world for a bit. The temple has been my safe haven for a long time now, a place where I always resorted to in times of need or despair-it’s a place I went to when I didn’t believe in the church or want anything to do with it. Being able to actually attend the temple has allowed me to let go of any worries and just be. It’s a place that allows me to simply escape all of the troubles life is throwing and take time to gather my thoughts. Attending the temple throughout the years has kept me grounded. It always allows peace to come into my chaotic life.Â
I’ve become more familiar with who I am as a person. This might seem a bit silly, but since I became endowed in 2014 I have been able to grow more as a person and truly continue to figure out who I am. Before this decision I was always a mess, always trying to improve but never really progressing. The decision I made has helped me to recognize my worth and develop into the person I want to be.
Recognizing blessings and promptings is something that now comes easier. I am THE worst when it comes to recognizing the blessings and promptings in my life, still to this day I sometimes struggle with it. But I have noticed that since being endowed I have been more blessed than I ever was before-or maybe I’m just recognizing God’s hand in my life a bit more than I was previously. It might be the slightest difference but it’s been enough for me to acknowledge that my decision has played a role within my ability to see blessings.Â
Obviously every single persons experience and perspective is going to be different. And choosing to go through the temple was a decision I decided to make on my own-its something that has made my life hard and easy. It was the absolute best decision I have come to make thus far.Â
In a way todays post is a journal entry for myself, a reminder of a decision I made 4 years ago, a reminder of why this day will forever be sentimental and personal. If nobody reads or relates to this that’s okay, but I hope you do.Â
I would love to hear how choosing to go through the temple has changed your lives! If you ever have questions or simply want to relate with someone or talk, please know you can always reach out to me. You can read more about my story within the Church Of Latter-Day Saints below!
If you’re not sure what it means to be endowed you can learn more here

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