My Journey Within The LDS Church.

All I have to say is if you made it through the video above or have already watched my latest YouTube video, THANK YOU. After catching up of the latest session of LDS General Conference I felt that I needed to share. Sharing my story within the gospel is one of my very favorite things, but at times it can leave me feeling vulnerable to those who may judge me for it. But guess what? We are all living our own lives, creating our own journeys and going through experiences that will shape who we are.

This is mine.


The whole purpose of my blog is to share my story, within the church and within life. I just want to inspire others. I just want to be a force of good within the world. I want my voice to make a positive impact on your life.

If you’re wondering how my journey within the church of Latter Day Saints began start by reading here.

My Story

I always feel incredibly vulnerable when I share this story. But it is my journey & wouldn’t have it

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Since this post that was published in 2016, my journey has been pretty amazing. I may still have things that I need to work on but my testimony has grown stronger every single day. Since that morning that I decided I was going to go all in regarding the church, my life has changed for the better, I have grown as a person. It’s not always rainbows and sunshine, but getting through the many trials that come with life has been incredibly easier because of the decision that I made to come back to the church. I always say it was the hardest and best decision I have made in my life thus far.

The support shown to me by so many different people has inspired me so much, the words ‘thank you’ just simply aren’t enough to convey how much it all means to me.

I am an open book when it comes to the ups and downs of my story within the church, if you ever need someone to talk to, if you’re ever curious please do not hesitate to reach out.

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