Has there ever been a point in your life where you received a clear prompting, but that prompting felt more like a burden than a blessing? I’m sure we’ve all experienced this in one way or another. This happened to me a couple of years ago, and let me tell you, it hit me like a ton of bricks, it rocked me to my core and tested me probably more so than I was expecting.
This isn’t necessarily a topic I was planning on sharing about because it’s something I hold very close to my heart, but one of my New Years resolutions is to inspire others more and I’m hoping that by sharing I’ll be able to inspire someone that might be experiencing something similar when it comes to feeling prompted. It’s something I’ve mainly kept to myself up until now and maybe I should have shared it sooner-maybe I shouldn’t be sharing it at all, but writing is a way of expressing myself so here it goes. I won’t go into too many specifics about what I was prompted with because it’s something that is sacred to me, but I will say that I was prompted very strongly to allow someone into my life that I was not expecting to ever come back into my life. What I was being prompted to do seemed more like a trial than a blessing at the time. Which made it so incredibly difficult. It tested my faith more than anything before.
And of course, I tried to ignore it at first, mostly because I was a tad shocked that I was even being prompted in the first place-and if I’m being honest, this was a situation that could get straight to my heart, in a good way or a bad way. I was originally somewhat confused and wary, then excited, then back to confused. In my head I kept thinking, “There is no way I can do that, how am I supposed to go through with it, Why is this all happening now?”. But it was clearer than ever what I needed to do, in fact, I’ve never been more clearly prompted.
Because of that, I did what I felt I was supposed to do and went into it with faith and trust that Heavenly Father had a reason for it. With that being said, it did not mean that it was easy. I was wracking my brain trying to figure out the ‘Why’, while also feeling insanely at peace with choosing to follow this prompting. Maybe it was for me, maybe it was for others involved. I wasn’t really sure, all I knew is that there was a reason for it. It was odd feeling so confident and somewhat confused at the same time. But in the same breath, that feeling of peace and confidence in my decision to go with what I felt was the right thing is something I never want to forget.
Even though I knew what I needed to do, at times it also felt like a huge burden. Which leads me to dealing with the ‘trial’ part of this prompting. The thing that was so hard for me to grasp was this, if I was doing something I was clearly supposed to be doing, then why has it been hard? Why was it testing my faith? Why was it making me question? Why was I prompted so clearly, only to have to figure out the rest on my own? Attempting to figure out the answers to those questions took me through a whirlwind.
Looking back at it now, I may never know why I was so clearly prompted. At times it made me question Heavenly Father and his intensions. I went through a phase where I wasn’t sure what step to take next and I simply lost hope in it all and questioned if this was all worth it. But it finally got to a point (over a long period of time), where I became grateful for even being able to experience such a clear prompting, although I may never know the full reasoning behind it. I had to let go and trust Heavenly Father. In hindsight it’s made me stronger in my faith, it made me turn to Heavenly Father more than I ever have in my life and I am grateful for that.
Never in a million years did I think I would be experiencing what I did. We will all experience different promptings and trials within our lives, some will be very clear and some will be a bit hazy. Each of our experiences will be unique and our own. When it comes to feeling like you’ve received a prompting that seems like it will be a trial, remember this: take a breath and don’t get frustrated, as frustrating as it may be. Know that Heavenly Father has your best interest at heart and He wants what is best for you. He isn’t going to strongly prompt you for no reason, there is always a reason, act on it. Allow your faith to grow, because if you let it falter, it can simply make things harder. Just because you are prompted to do something doesn’t mean it’s going to be a piece of cake. It’s okay to feel like following a prompting is difficult. Embracing a prompting can be incredibly intimidating, but in the long run it will be well worth it, even if you never end up knowing the ‘why’ behind it. After all, we’re here to endure right? So endure well and have faith. Know that you are loved and know that you are not alone.

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