Tonights post is going to be short and sweet. A couple of weeks ago I learned something that I felt inclined to share. I went out to dinner with my good friend and photographer Raquel, I had mentioned to her that I was going through a lot of different trials but that I had no room to complain because I have so many close friends that are currently going through much worse trials than I am.
Raquel then said something that will stick with me for a long while, she said, “Just because your trials may not be as intense or devastating does not mean that they are any less of a trial. You need to realize that your trial is still a trial and that’s okay.”

And she is completely right, each and every single one of us will endure different variations of trials throughout our lives. A trial you might be experiencing will be different than the trials your friends might be experiencing but just because it’s different does not make it any less of a trial. I needed to be reminded of that. Because ‘being strong’ or ‘being fine’ all of the time can become exhausting. I think an important part of having trials is taking the time to acknowledge them. I had acknowledged my current trials but I was just brushing them under the rug. Doing this gets you nowhere.
We have trials in life to learn and grow from them. Heavenly Father didn’t put us on this earth to simply have an easy life. We’ve got to take the time to acknowledge, learn and grow in our individual trials. Let those three words sink in, acknowledge, learn and grow.
It’s funny, as I thought about it and realized that I was in fact going through a trial and I want to grow from it something started happening, instead of completely dwelling on the trial I started noticing the blessings that were happening in my life. And although I am still very much so navigating through multiple trials I’m also allowing them to help me grow as a person.
Don’t forget, your trials have value. It’s easy to brush them under the rug, especially when you know things could be worse. But your trial does not have to be excruciating to hold value. Your trial does not have to be a certain level of difficulty for you to learn and grow from it. Heavenly Father loves you and knows what you are capable of handling. Trust in Him. Acknowledge, Learn, Grow.
Photography by the amazingly talented friend of mine: @raquelacevedo
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