4 Ways To Go For Your Dreams

Wow, I’ve been in a bit of a writing slump lately! But that changes now! A couple of weeks ago I had the opportunity to attend Bri & Britt’s dreamers workshop and it was exactly what I need to get me inspired again. It got me into a headspace where I am now thinking about my dreams again and how I am going to make those dreams my reality!

I’ve been a big advocate for following your dreams for a while now and it’s because I am literally doing something to follow my dreams every single day! In today’s post I wanted to share 4 ways to go for your dreams!!

Trust Yourself & Take The Plunge! 

I wasn’t always following my dreams every day, see following your dreams can be absolutely terrifying. Especially because nobody wants to fail or have to give up on the dreams that they might have. It took me a long time to take the plunge and start doing what I have dreamt of doing for years. Pursuing blogging as a career, attempting to create a successful photography business, hoping to inspire others regardless of what industry I am in (a little background: I got my degree in healthcare administration and am currently working as a manager at a retail store-both areas that I LOVE), all tasks that are quite daunting. But you can’t have success if you aren’t willing to try right? So I decided to trust myself regardless of what the outcome might be. This is really important because if you aren’t able to trust yourself you won’t have the courage it requires to take the plunge! Don’t doubt yourself! Everything that we do in life is a risk! So trust yourself and go for it!

Find Motivation.

Going for your dreams is something that takes a lot out of you! Which means you will be constantly pushing yourself and you without motivation that would be very hard to do! Always be looking for motivation and inspiration! Take the time to write things down that keep you motivated or keep those influences present within your life! Figure out what motivates you and stick with it! When you stay motivated it allows you to conquer more!

Know your ‘Why?’

You have a dream for a reason: What is that reason? Why do you have this dream? Why is it so important that you make your dream a reality? In order to go for your dreams you need to be very familiar with the reasoning behind why you have that dream and what you want to accomplish with that dream. This is important because if you don’t know why you are doing something it will be almost impossible to stay motivated and inspired-which in turn means you may not be able to make your dream a reality.

I was able to become familiar with my ‘Why’ when I found my passions! My passions really sparked something within me and I felt like I was making a difference. I have always wanted to make an impact in others lives like so many have made in mine. Even if I just inspire or help one person through my writing or photography or day job, it’s all worth it to me. Knowing that I’ve made an impact brings me to happy tears every single time. This is my why! When you know your why it give you power to do more when you are following your dreams!!

Support Others In Their Dreams

This is the biggest one for me. If you can’t support other people in following their dreams, how can you expect support in following your own. We all need support sometimes, especially when it comes to something as scary as following our dreams. When you begin to go for your dreams, you can’t just expect to make it happen on your own. It can happen but you’d be quite lonely if you didn’t have anybody else supporting your dreams. Regardless of what your dreams are, they are going to somehow involve others. I think we need to be aware of that because the more we recognize it the more support we will not only be able to provide but receive. It’s a win win! You support me and I’ll support you! We can all help each other follow our dreams, how cool is that!

And now for my announcement! I’m following a dream that I’ve envisioned having for my blog for a few years now! I will be introducing more YouTube and Video elements to my blog posts! I have never been more terrified for anything in my life because I am the most uncomfortable when I’m on video-ironic because I could do photoshoots all day….BUT it’s starting and I cannot wait! SO STAY TUNED FOR NEXT TUESDAY!!! It’s a dating topic so get ready!

Everyone needs a chance to go for their dreams!! How you are making your dreams a reality?! Comment or email me because I would love to hear all about it!

Need More Motivation?! GO HERE

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