Be Forward In Dating.

I’m going to be real for a minute. Why are people so afraid to be forward with someone? There’s this thing about being forward & upfront with someone, usually it’s seen as a bad thing. To me, being forward is attractive. It means time won’t be wasted, it means honesty is a quality that’s valued.

Dating is already hard enough without games. As a 24 year old I feel that I shouldn’t have to let a guy ‘chase’ me and if I want to see them I should be able to voice that without it ‘scaring them off’. This goes for the guys to. When you are dating someone or you meet someone you shouldn’t have to play games in order to keep their attention.

Real talk, I work four jobs and go to school full time….I’m not the type to change my plans or really make time for people unless I really value the time being spent with them. When I want to see someone more than once a week and am willing to make the time it shouldn’t be looked at as ‘oh she’s way too into me’ when there are a million other things I could be doing but I’m choosing to take that time and spend it with someone I want to get to know. People have lives, jobs, school, etc. So when a person is making the effort to be forward and spend time with you, respect it.

I’d also like to address the whole ‘hangout’ situation, I think hanging out is fine under two conditions. One: The person you are hanging out with is doing so in an attempt to get to know you better. Two: That the ‘hanging out’ isn’t the only form of seeing one another, there needs to be some dates thrown into the mix.

Being forward can be misinterpreted as being clingy or annoying but for me it’s a way to not waste time. If you want to see someone, tell them. If you want to get to know someone, tell them. Because frankly, if you are interested in someone and they are turned off by the fact that you want to spend time with them clearly that is not a person you want to date exclusively or possibly marry. Think about it, when you are married, you are essentially taking that persons life and adding it to yours, you will be spending a majority of your time with them. So if someone doesn’t want to spend time with you in the beginning how is there supposed to be future?

Now there’s another side of being forward that I want to talk about. Just plain old being up front with someone.

If you aren’t interested, tell that person. If you’d be okay with going on a date but aren’t really looking for anything exclusive at the moment, tell that person. The list goes on and on, but being up front and forward with people from the very beginning is always the way to do things. Then this way there are no hopes being let down, and even if the truth stings for a moment it’s better than leading someone on.

We all live in a world of games. I used to have this fear of being forward with someone because then they would lose interest. But then l I realized that I would rather be forward and upfront with someone and be single forever than be the person who has to play games in order to keep someones interest. You are not a game piece and you deserve honesty. You have value and if someone can’t handle the fact that you are forward with them then that person does not deserve you. More times than not there are people who will appreciate those who are upfront with them. So stop playing games and start being forward.

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The cutest choker above is from a local company called Be Here Now Clothing and they are all about being in the moment which I thought tied in perfectly with todays post. Also everything in there shop is SO cute and SO cheap! If you need new clothes, now you know where to look! @beherenowclothing



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