Have you ever felt like you had everything in the world to offer but nobody noticed? Have you ever invested all of your effort into someone only to not be seen? At times I have felt very invisible.
Invisible to those around me. Invisible to those I had invested my whole heart into. Invisible to those I’m attempting to inspire. Feeling this way is something that is somewhat indescribable. It’s not a feeling I have ever opened up about before because it’s a feeling that has lead me to feel as though I am not enough in the past-admitting it leaves me more vulnerable than ever.
It’s hard admitting that you feel invisible, because nobody ever wants to feel that way. And quite frankly nobody ever deserves to feel that way. But in a world consumed by social media, the next greatest thing and so much more it’s easy to get lost amongst the masses. It’s easy to feel out of touch with those around you. Especially because we all have our own lives to worry about, sometimes it makes it hard not to notice those that are around us. Or maybe we are being noticed but we are too inside our own heads to realize it.
Sometimes I’ve been in my own head about it, other times I can honestly say people have legitimately made me feel as though I was invisible to them. It’s a feeling that is difficult to describe because although I felt lonely I didn’t feel depressed. And although I felt like I meant nothing, I was also aware of my own worth and what I have to offer. It’s a tough one to navigate. It makes me wish that there was a way to show others “Hey I’m standing right in front of you.” with big flashing lights without it being viewed as something to be embarrassed by.
Feeling invisible to others can come in many different forms, within dating and relationships, within friendships, within social media, etc. In my past, for a long while, it was incredibly hard not to feel this way. But then I realized something….It’s in my control how I choose to feel in these types of situations. It took a minute but I decided to try and change my own attitude about it and change how it affected my self esteem. Basically regardless of if those around me choose to acknowledge me or not, I decided to love myself and stop allowing myself to feel invisible. I decided that I deserve to feel acknowledged and I love myself enough to be okay with others not seeing that.
If a guy I was dating decided to treat me as though I don’t exist, it’s his loss. If a friend is super flaky and only ever speaks of their own problems, they’re missing out on a stronger friendship. When I feel like I’m not making an impact or inspiring others, I am going to keep trying because I love doing what I do and if I’m lucky it might someday help others!
If you have EVER felt this way in the slightest, I want you to know that you are important, you have value, you are not invisible and you are cared about! Don’t allow others to make you feel invisible. You are worth being seen. If you are reading this and you feel like you ever need someone to talk to or understand or just listen, I am here for you-regardless of if we know each other in person or not. Don’t ever hesitate to reach out to me!
On a lighter note, I got these cute jeans from Sugar High! Use the code: lifeoflex to get a discount on anything on their site!!! Head here to see all their adorable & affordable clothes!! Keep scrolling to see all of my outfit details!!
Jeans here-Only $5.99 with code lifeoflex // Top here -Only $7! // Scarf here-Only $3! // Boots here
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