Spread Love Not Hate.

Life Of Lex, barbados, swim, confidence, happiness, lds, faith, trust, bullying, positivity, inspire, travel, inspiration, explore, love

Real talk. Bullying on social media is something that can happen to anyone, for any reason…but it should not be something that anyone should have to experience. I’ve been targeted and bullied on social media twice now under two different circumstances.

Last week I posted a photo on my Instagram of me in a bikini while I was in Barbados. Shortly after I posted I started receiving comments from a specific individual attacking the fact that I was not wearing my garments. Not just one comment but multiple, not sent in a message but posted directly to my photo. This is not the first photo this person had commented on, and I had always brushed it off not allowing it to get under my skin. But this time it did. It’s hard when someone’s coming at you for the one thing that’s closest to your heart. That’s what made it so tough. But it also reminds me that I am doing something right.

This isn’t something I should even have to mention, but to those that are concerned I am very much so temple worthy and choosing to be a part of the LDS church and make covenants within the temple is the best decision I have made in my life thus far. It hurt knowing that someone that doesn’t know me and most definitely does not know my testimony was so quick to judge. But guess what, I’m not perfect, nobody is. Even if I was no longer wearing my garments or wasn’t active in the church, it’s nobodies business. It’s between myself and God.

This got me thinking, people will ALWAYS have opinions. There are unlimited amounts of aspects that others can judge us on or bully us about. It needs to stop. Bullying or judging others gets you nowhere. Going through this opened up my eyes even more to the fact that we don’t know a persons situation or why they may be acting the way that they are. I don’t know why that person chose to comment uncalled for things on my photos, I’m not sure if they don’t understand or if they were purposefully attempting to hurt my feelings and single me out. Regardless I think that no matter what you might be thinking, you should always approach others with loving intentions. I love this person regardless of the comments they made, because they still deserve love.

As all of this was happening and I was caught off guard, I was also able to see how much support and love the social media world is capable of giving. Within minutes I had people commenting, messaging me, calling me, etc. with intentions of supporting me and loving me. Some people were close friends, some I haven’t talked to in years, some are apart of the same church, some aren’t, some people reached out that don’t even know me. I was blown away by all the positivity and love that was shown to me. I was wishing and hoping that everyone who has felt bullied has had the opportunity to be lifted up in the same way. Unfortunately, in today’s world, some people don’t have that support and I think we all could try a little harder to love a little more, judge a little less and support others.

The situations I’ve faced have only reinforced my openness to bullying and how words can impact an individual. These aren’t easy situations to face, and it isn’t always easy to kill them with kindness, but it’s something the world could use a little more of. So the next time you go to judge or make a comment that might hurt someone, think about if what you’re saying is going to have a positive or helpful impact on that person. There are loving ways to approach even hard to discuss topics. Bullying being one of them. Lets stop the bullying and start spreading kindness.

  • Comments ( 1 )

  • avatar
    Clark Ellis

    Tonight i felt frustrated at the “eye for eye” internet culture, which would see revenge as a solution for injustice. Your worDs are rEfreshing: no “calling out”, no public shaming, just an uplifitng message and moving on. I’m sorry you were hUrt, but well done foR taking the high road.

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