With the new year coming up quickly, Christmas passing and school being out I realized that I had too much organizing & simplifying to do. In regards to both cleaning and life in general. So today I’ve decided to share some tips on ways to simplify your life along with a little glimpse of my Maui trip.

- Scroll through your emails and unsubscribe from the ones you don’t need.
We all subscribe or start receiving emails once we purchase something online. I get 100’s of emails in multiple accounts daily that I never actually read. So I went through a bunch and unsubscribed and it felt glorious! Crossing my fingers you all choose to stay subscribed to Life Of Lex because it means THE most to me!
2. Get rid of anything you don’t use in your random drawers.
I have too much junk for my own good. I went through the drawers in the bedroom and bathroom, under my bed and any other storage I have in my room and house and got rid of everything that I haven’t used in the past two months or that I am not going to use within the next two months.
3. Find a good planner.
This is something that has helped me so much with simplifying my life. Keeping track of what I need to do and when I am free helps me to make better use of my time.
4. Clean out your car.
Something that always helps me feel like I’m more organized then when my car is clean. Take a moment to clean out your car and make an effort to keep it that way. If you know me, you know this is almost an impossible task since I practically live out of my car. But taking the time every so often to clean it out helps even if it’s only taking 5 minutes.
5. Go through your closet.
Let’s be real. How often do you actually wear everything that’s in your closet? Every season I do all of my laundry and then go through my entire closet to get rid of a bunch of clothes. I always ask myself, “when is the last time I wore this? Do I love this?” If I haven’t worn it recently and it isn’t something I love, I put it in a bin to get rid of. Some of it still has tags. Less clothes to put away=being more organized. (Sidenote: I have started an Instagram: @shoplifeof.lex to sell the clothes I no longer want, for $10 or less)
Coming into 2018 being more organized feels great and it will help to make this new year more simple! What are some ways you organize and simplify your life?? I’ll be posting more on my awesome trip to Maui, Hawaii soon so stay tuned!!!
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Comments ( 2 )
Martina pollard
Gorgeous photos, lex! i love the lighting and colors, it all mixes so well. and ugh…you have one of the best “lists” for 2018 that i’ve seen so far, no joke. I have a huge problem with letting promotional emails pile up and after a while i’m like, “why did i ever subscribe to this?” and I take time to look through it and delete it, but not time to unsubscribe. I love that. definitely will do that this month hahah.
i need a good planner. @courtney_shields on instagram talked about this amazing planner on her IG stories and it’s to die for. it’s so thorough and beautiful…but it’s $65… needless to say, my ass is going to target for a cheaper alternative hah. 😉
thank you for sharing! I’ll implement pretty much all of this!
Life Of Lex
Oh my goodness thank you so much! That means a lot! Thank you for taking the time to read! hahahah I know what you mean last year I bought a $120 planner, it was worth every single cent but this year I just went to target and found a cute one! It’ll be saving my life this year!!!